Segabits – Halloween Pumpkin 2010


It’s that time of the year again folks! The night that all kinds of hideous ghouls, creeps and basement dwellers come out to play… And that’s just the Sega fans.

With Halloween come pumpkins and what kind of self respecting Sega fan would we be if we didn’t do a Sega related pumpkin!? This year we decided to base our pumpkin on Puyo Pop. We got some Puyos on there and classic character Carbuncle.

(Note; we even got him a small ruby for his forehead! Now that’s commitment… Even if  it’s plastic.)

Hit the jump for more pictures plus a reminder of last years Pumpkin!

Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity has Nico Nico Douga items

Nico Nico Douga (translates to “Smiley Smiley Videos”) is a Japanese online video sharing site that is quite popular. It is basically the YouTube of Japan. Well, the site will have tie-in promo with the upcoming Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity.

You will be able to get TV-Chan and Niwango object for your room. Both are pictured above. SEGA still has more items to show in the near future, so lets hope for more SEGA tie-ins and less advert stuff.

Game hits Japanese shores on February 24, 2011. No western announcement has been made.

Crazy Taxi achievements hit the net

Crazy Taxi will be able to boost your achievement/Trophy score when it releases next month, but don’t expect a big boost. Like most downloadable games, it will have 12 achievements and only be worth 200 points.

But you already figured this much out, lets check out them achievements. Also note: that the trophies will be the same as the achievements.

[Source: Xbox360Achievements]

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NIS America bringing Neptune RPG West

The Compile Hearts developed and SEGA published (in Japan) Neptune RPG (full name “Super Dimensional Game Neptune”) will be brought to North America and Europe by NIS America. They will be changing the name of the game, for copyright reasons. The Western release will be known as “Hyperdimension Neptunia”.

If you didn’t already know, SEGA will have some retro IPs guest star in this RPG. If you didn’t see the list, we did an old post about here. The game will be hitting exclusively to Playstation 3 in Spring of 2011.

[Thanks: TimmiT]

Sonic Colors Cutscene Featuring the NEW Voices

Courtesy of Sonic Wrecks, Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro comes the first publicly shown video of a Sonic Colors cutscene complete with dialogue! Personally, I think it’s an all around improvement over the past couple of games. Definitely beats out Heroes and ’06, and is a bit better than Unleashed despite the lack of HD visuals. Tails sounds like a boy once again, and Sonic is… different. But not worse! I’ll have to see more of the game before making a concrete decision. Bonus points for Sonic performing the Moonwalk.

[Source: Sonic Wrecks YouTube account]

Sonic Free Riders: Weapons Trailer released

Check out the latest trailer for Sonic Free Riders, this one showing off some of the weapons you will be able to use in the upcoming game.

Sonic Free Riders is set to be a launch title for Microsoft’s Kinect add-on. It will be released on November 4th in North America and November 10th in Europe. No idea if there will be a Kinect bundled with the game.

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Vanquish interactive trailer powered by your zip code

Check out the new Vanquish interactive trailer above. Enter your zip code (European residents) and you get your interactive trailer.

Vanquish is out worldwide, if you haven’t picked up your copy yet, you are really missing out. We will have a full review posted up tomorrow, so be on the look out for that. We also have a couple more Vanquish related articles planned that should interest you.

K-Mart: Get Vanquish for $35 bucks!

K-Mart, the retailer that shocks me by still being around. Well they are having a sale and that means you will be able to save cash on getting your copy of Vanquish. They will be selling it for $35 dollars, starting October 31st and ending on November 6th. Save your pennies!

I’m playing through the game to do a review, trust me, if you love the demo it only gets crazier and more awesome as the game continues. It is really good!

[Via: TQ Cast]

New Sonic Strategy and My Comments

‘Sega doesn’t want to make any more bad Sonic games.’
-Mike Hayes

I like Mike Hayes, he’s a pretty level headed guy and knows all the right words to make my tum-tum all fuzzy.

Recently he has been saying some more happy words. When talking to IGN Mike Hayes spilled the beans on Sega’s new strategy with the Sonic brand.

Hit the jump to find out what he had to say and more importantly, what I had to say… About what he had to say.

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